joi, 4 martie 2010

Course Information


(Curs de formare individuala Comenius)


Acrosslimits Ltd, HAMRUN, MALTA

The objectives of the course included:
* Demystifying e-learning and making it accessible to even non-technical persons.
* Hand-on using of several tools that together create different types of e-learning pathways.
* Sharing of experiences and success stories.
* Showcasing innovative projects and uses of e-learning from all over Europe

Obiectivele cursului au inclus:

- acomodarea cu metodele e-learning, făcându-le accesibile şi persoanelor fără abilităţi tehnice
- favorizarea îndemânarii în utilizarea de mai multe instrumente care, împreună, să creeze diferite tipuri de e-learning;
- schimbul de experienţă şi de poveşti de success; - prezentarea de proiecte inovatoare şi de modalităţi de utilizare a e-learning-ului în toată Europa


DAY ONE: Introduction of the course syllabus. Presentation of all the course attendees. Initial definitions and concepts related to e-learning. Face2Face vs Online learning. Informational educational resources, initial hands on use of a LCMS (Learning Content Management System)

DAY TWO: E-books, Streaming media and presentations, Synchronous learning, Usage of virtual classroom application, tools like Dimdim, ooVoo and WiZiQ.

DAY THREE: Live e-learning events, interactivity and testing, Assessments online, Games and Simulations, Additional hands-on use of LCMS and creation of course modules.

DAY FOUR: Usage of testing tools like HotPotatoes, Collaborative learning, Forums, Wikis, Blogs, RSS, Additional hands-on use of LCMS and creation of SCORM learning objects

DAY FIVE: Innovation in E-learning, Case studies from Maltese and European projects, Funding programmes for E-learning in Europe, Mobile and Wireless Learning, Further


Ziua 1: prezentarea cursului si a participantilor, notiuni de baza despre elearning, comparatie cu învatarea f2f, resurse educationale si notiuni de utilizare a LMCS;

Ziua a 2-a: carti electronice, învatare sincrona, aplicatii pentru clase virtuale: Dimdim, WiZiQ;

Ziua a 3-a: elearning în timp real, interactivitate si teste; evaluare on-line, jocuri si simulari, utilizare practica a LMCS si creare de module de curs.

Ziua a 4-a: folosirea instrumentelor pentru crearea de teste, cum ar fi Hot Potatoes, învatarea prin colaborare, forumuri, wiki, bloguri. Crearea de materiale de invatare conform SCORM;

Ziua a 5-a: inovatie în elearning, studii de caz pe proiecte din Malta si din Europa; finantarea programelor de elearning in UE; concluzii. Resources, Conclusions.

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Persoane interesate

Despre mine

Fotografia mea
Hello to all my eTwinning friends! My name is Mariana RADULESCU. I'm a Maths teacher in a primary and generally school named “Liviu Rebreanu” from a beautiful town called MIOVENI, in Arges county, ROMANIA (“the car town”). My students, aged 10 – 14 years, are eager to learn something new about ICT tools for to use them in their blogs. My activity in eTwinning started in October 2007. My first project was “Let’s get to know ourselves and our cities” where I was invited by my friend from Athens, Katerina Fyssaki. This project was awarded with National Quality Label and European Quality Label. Some students of my team built the blog sharing our activities. I want to thank to eTwinning team for this opportunity to learn about the new technology, to share a lot of information with people from all Europe about educational system, traditions, culture, customs, etc. In April 2009, I had the chance to participate to workshop in Bratislava, where I met a lot of my eTwinning partners and in February 2010, I participated to Comenius Training Course in Hamrun, MALTA. It was GREAT! I think that the communication is extremely important! HUGS, MARIANA